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49 videos available
A Jabbar On Earth Apr17 2013 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
The teacher of humanity is Habibu-l Allah sas and its model is Shahi Mardan. The "jabbar" is whom? He is the one who is not accepting his servanthood to The only Jabbar(jj). The quality of Jabbar is only for Allah Almighty. Therefore the accusation in the Quran, "You only want to be jabbar on Earth."(28:19) O Muslims, Christians and Jews, do not play with Allah's Religion.
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The Hidden Identity Apr15 2013 Turkish 53min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah gave Man a heavenly identity, the most honored in all creation. Yet man does not keep his honor. Alawis and Shi'a claim to be the lovers and followers of S. Ali and kill and terrorize Muslims, but Shahi Mardan's sword is out and ready, it will leave no Shi'a or Alawi. Keep your honor and let your dress reflect that.
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Your Lord Will Certainly Give You (93:5) Apr14 2013 Turkish 50min
Sheikh Nazım
Who is the lion? He is the one dressed with good Akhlaq. Who is the Sultan? He is the one serving a new table everyday, he is the keeper of Allah's servants and he fears his Lord. The sultan is the lion. A fox can never be a sultan. Who is the jahil (ignorant one)? He is the one who forgets Allah and runs after dunya to gain only fatigue. If you want to become a lion, walk with a lion. Why are our kings and Amirs afraid of confronting the Zalims? It is the promise of Al-Haqq (swt), "Your Lord Will Certainly Give You (93:5)", O Habib (sas), the owner of Maqam AL-Hamd.
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Putting On Airs! Apr13 2013 Turkish 59min
Sheikh Nazım
People nowadays are proud of taking sides with shaytan and dunya and are "Putting On Airs". They are laughing at Allah's servants and shaytan is laughing at them! Mawlana is calling Shi'ites and Alawis liars and is asking them if Allah has ordered them to kill, burn and destroy His servants?
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Millat Ibrahim Hanifa Apr12 2013 Turkish 50min
Sheikh Nazım
Who is addressed as YaSin? It is an address to the Secret and Master of all Creation (sas). Know the value of your Prophet so that you can rise from the level of animals to that of human beings. Animals are to be slaughtered but human beings are to be honoured. The true honour is to be from the 'Millat Ibrahim Hanifa". True religion lies not in empty rituals but in saying the Truth - then you will learn the secret of "Alif Lam Mim" (2:1).
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Even If After Some Time Apr11 2013 Turkish 46min
Sheikh Nazım
Man the most honored of creation is nowadays disgraced by his own actions. Who has given permission to Shi'ites and Alawis to kill and terrorize the most honored creation of Allah? The one who says Bismillah cannot kill or harm. The same for Christians, who instead of following the true teachings of their Prophet (as), made a statue of a naked, helpless man to pray to. Allah has forbidden Zulm but Zalims think no one can stop them. The Revenge of Allah Almighty is certainly coming, "Even If After Some Time." Rajab is starting soon.
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Allahu Hasbi Apr10 2013 Turkish 35min
Sheikh Nazım
You do not have the right to step on or kill even an ant. If an ant has the right to protect itself with a call that is heard eternally through the Holy Quran, and if that ant can address the King and Prophet, Sulayman (as) and his army, then what about Man who was formed by the Hand of Allah (swt) and honored above angels? Mawlana is asking Alawis and Shi'as if it is by Allah's orders that they kill, or by Shah Mardan's. He asks the same questions of the Christians who by their rituals dishonor their Prophet Isa (as). He asks them in addition how the one who could not save himself can save others?
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The Mathhab of Shaytan Apr09 2013 Turkish 49min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana asks the Shi'ites and the Alawis if their deeds and practices are in accordance with the teachings of Shah Mardan. Are the killing and the terrorizing of Muslims from his teachings? Is the violation of women and children from his teachings? But Shah Mardan, Sahib Maydan, Sahib Alam, has his sword out and ready. The one who accepts Dhulm is Dhalim. Islam is beautiful and has no Dhulm. The same question is posed to Christians. Is it the command of Christ to have all these weapons and use them? Wake up because time is up! "وَاتَّبِعْ سَبِيلَ مَنْ أَنَابَ إِلَيَّ ۚ- and follow the way of those who turn back to Me (31:15)"
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Ibn Arabi Hz. Apr08 2013 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah (swt) created this world with limits but these limits are only for us because Allah's act of creation is limitless. The Divine Command is between kaf and nun. He created Man and Jinn to worship Him.Then what did we do with all the grants of our Lord? Eat, drink, and fill the toilets! What a shame! Man's true station is above the Angels but most people are like the vulture that descends from the skies to eat carrion on Earth. Therefore, Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Hz. said, "The god you worship is under my feet." The way to Allah is the way of His saints.
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Surrender to Allah You Become Safe! Apr07 2013 Turkish 51min
Sheikh Nazım
One Ayat of Quran refutes all the false beliefs and claims of Christianity. Islam is Haqq and the power of Islam does not come from empty uniforms or empty rituals. Those who have no respect for Islam have no respect for Allah. Keep your Lord's service and only then will you fulfill the purpose of your existence. Allah (swt) assigns Saints (Al Mudarrikun - the saviours) to look after the believers. Therefore, "إسلم تسلم - Surrender to Allah You Become Safe!"
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Fear Allah! Apr05 2013 Turkish 57min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana is warning all those not keeping Shariat Law, especially those claiming to be followers of Shah Mardan, whether Shi'its or Alawies. An animal kills to feed itself and once full stops. Man, however, is never having enough of bloodshed. Nothing is more monstrous than killing innocents. Dhul Fiqqar is out and ready. Mahdi is coming. The Last Day is near and Allah's Revenge is Mighty. The killer will have to be killed!
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This Is Not Religion! Mar23 2013 Turkish 46min
Sheikh Nazım
Shah Mardan is very angry with those who claim to be related to him but who add rituals to the religion that are remnants from ancient pagan times. They celebrate Nawruz but "This Is Not Religion!" Christian rituals also are distant from the teachings of S. Isa (as). It is the end of times and it is the time of Fitna. The only safety lies in isolation (عزلة).
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The Hand Holding the Creation Mar19 2013 Turkish 45min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana asks Alawis, Is smoking from the teachings of S. Ali (ra)? Is dancing in the streets and the mixing of men and women from his teachings? Dhu-l Fiqqar is out and ready. "Truth cannot be superseded - الحق يعلو و لا يعلى عليه" Even animals know their Lord Who provides for them. Only Man forgets. Qyamat is near, death is near, Jahannan is near. So: "قُوا أَنْفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا وَقُودُهَا النَّاسُ وَالْحِجَارَةُ - Protect yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is people and stones" (66:6)
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